Announcements dedicated server addon updated

  • 30th January 2019


* Fixed bug in the admin addon when an ip address is attached to a failover ip.

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Chartmogul addon 3.2 update

  • 21st January 2019


  • Added addon setting to use email as Chartmogul external id.
  • Fixed issue with recurring  subscription dates under certain circunstances.
  • Code optimization in hooks and export routine
  • Improved Javascript compatibility in the admin addon dashboard.
  • Updated cron task to import first last invoices
  • Minor bug fixes
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Oneprovider addon updated 1.3

  • 30th December 2018
  • Added IPMI product settings : You will be able to enable/disable access to the IPMI interface in the product settings.
  •  Improved error handling  messages
  • Added warning message if the server is under reinstall or rescue mode.
Continue reading addon updated 1.7.2

  • 19th December 2018


*  Fixed raid issue in the reinstall server area.

Best regards

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