
Teamspeak 3 addon 7.3 update

  • 16th July 2024



* Fixed deprecated Cloudflare API endpoints

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Teamspeak addon 7.2 released

  • 15th May 2024


* Added clientarea action logs

* Improved snapshot restore error handling

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Teamspeak 3 addon updated

  • 22nd April 2024
Changelog ---------------- + Updated port provisioning logic: Instead of secuential ports, now the ports are assigned randomly based in the port range to avoid port guessing. The provisioning now should be faster and more secure.  + Port provisioning bug fix: An additional verification was  added to not provision  on virtual servers actives ...
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Teamspeak 3 addon 7.0 update released

  • 8th October 2023


  • Fixed bug with TSDNS duplicated domains not detected when using caps in the order form.
  • Added product setting to disable reinstall/reset actions in the customer client area.
  • Added product setting to lock the server host settings on snapshop restore.


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